Mik Muller, Greenfield Recorder. June 25, 2017
Ed Sirum
Congratulations to all the people behind Mutton & Mead. They had another successful year, and from past experience with it, I know a lot of hard work by a lot of people went into making that happen.
However, back in the very beginning, when the festival was in the early stages of planning for the very first year, there was one person who cleared the way and gave us our seed money, making it possible for the festival to even happen. That person was Ed Sirum.
After we looked at the grounds of the Millers Falls Rod & Gun Club and presented the concept and initial plan to the membership and their board, Ed Sirum, their treasurer, declared suddenly "Well, I think this sounds like a lot of fun. The gun club will loan you the money to make it happen." And so they did. The membership trusted Ed completely, and he trusted us. The festival as we know it likely would not have happened had he not taken a chance on us.
Sadly, Ed passed away in March of this year.
This past Thursday was his birthday. I invite everyone who knew Ed, worked the festival, or even attended it, to pause for a second, raise your glass, and say a toast. "To Ed Sirum. Thank you for all you had done, for everyone. And thank you for your friendship. You are sorely missed."
Mik Muller,
Posted: to General News on Sun, Jun 25, 2017
Updated: Fri, Feb 24, 2023